Sunday, June 6, 2010

Orange and Passionfruit Farm Marmalade

It's Autumn and last time we went down to Araluen Farm to visit Mark and Heather they gave us some really nice, tart first harvest oranges. There havent been many frosts down there yet so the oranges are not really sweet yet, and have a very big tang to them. I thought they were perfect for marmalade. I threw in the lone passionfruit we also found on a voracious little vine that was growing over a coral tree stump.

1 part orange juice
2/3 part caster sugar
1/8 part orange rind finely sliced in 2mm x 2cm lengths
1 passionfruit
1 tsp lemon juice
1. Use a potato peeler to take the rind off the oranges without removing the white pith. Slice these as above and set aside.
2. Use potato peeler to peel off white pith and discard.
3. Put oranges into food processor and blend till smooth. Press through a strainer and measure out the juice.
4. Put orange and lemon juice in a saucepan (large enough that it doesnt come up more than 1/4 of the height of the edges) with the rind and bring to the boil. Let simmer for 15 minutes till the rind is soft.
5. Add the sugar (2/3 of the measured juice amount) and passionfruit pulp and bring back to the boil till the bubbles are unable to be stirred down.
...This is the tricky part....
6. Periodically check whether the jam is ready for setting by dropping some on a pre-chilled plate and putting back in the fridge. See if it produces a film and looks like it is setting to a jam-like consistency. When it does, pour the hot jam into pre sterilised jars (boiled in water). Place a round of baking paper over the top and screw the cap on tightly. Label and share with friends!

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