Geoffs Apple Cider Vinegar, Ginger and Brown Sugar Glazed Ham.
Trent and Geoff preparing the ham
Jen preparing her slow cooked self saucing pudding
Trent carving
Clockwise from front head of table: Miranda, April, Peter, Debbie, Marita,
Jen, Jess, Geoff, Trent, Peter, Dan, Reuben, and Rachel (photographer).
Jens Double Chocolate Dessert
Miranda made a delicious chocolate pavlova with cream and berries, yet I was too busy getting myself a piece that I forgot to get a photo, then it was all getting eaten! This photo is one I found that mose closely resembles Mirandas. Ill be trying to make one of these soon.
Jess handing out presents

Many funny DVDs
Thanks Geoff and Jess for a great night.